If you need assistance with utilities, please attend the Utility Education Virtual Workshop on Thursday, May 23, 2024 from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Please see registration information information below. Registration is not required, but is highly recommended.
Who says learning isn't fun? Mrs. Martin's class playing battleship to review coordinate plane math skills was a lot of fun!
Don't miss the Bell Oaks Spring Concert. Join us in the Bell Oaks gym on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 6:00 pm. Please see flyer for details. Hope to see you there!
Join the Bellmawr PD and the Camden County Prosecutor's Office for a Meet & Greet on Friday, May 31, 2024 from 5:00p.m. - 8:00 p.m.in the Bell Oaks Gym. See flyer for details. Don't miss this Open R.E.C (Recognize-Educate-Change) event.
Please support the 5th Grade fundraiser! Buy a pretzel and water ice for $1.00 each. Tickets are on sale starting tomorrow. Please see flyer for details.
Bell Oaks Student Council members are doing random acts of kindness, and they think you should too! 💚🦉 💛
Send a free card to St. Jude patients!
Write an encouraging note to patients like Hadleigh undergoing treatment for cancer and other life-threatening diseases by clicking the link: https://www.stjude.org/get-involved/send-virtual-cards-online-to-childrens-hospital-patients.html
It's 4 easy steps:
1) Select your card image.
2) Type or auto-generate your message (we preferred to type our own)!
3) Type in your name (so they can give you credit and thank you for your time and personalized message).
4) Send off your message with love and positive thoughts.
Thank you for contributing to our Random Acts of Kindness!
If you're having any trouble during this process, please reach out to Ms. Mccauley (Lmccauley@bellmawrschools.org)! 😊
Test With Ease...PJs Please! Students may wear pjs on testing day with a $1 donation from May 13-May 17. Please help support Lianna! See flyer for details: all money raised goes directly towards Lianna's fight! #TEAMLIANNA
Bell Oaks Math Extended School Day is over, but the teachers are still excited to teach for 30 more days! The last day was all fun and games. Thank you to all the teachers and students for a job well done. NJSLA testing begins next Monday, May 13, 2024 and we are ready!
The Bell Oaks National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be held Monday, May 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Bell Oaks. Congratulations to the Students and Families and Special Thanks to NJHS Advisor Ms. Bebee for organizing.
The 9th Annual Multicultural Fair was a huge success thanks to everyone who contributed time, food, and a sense of community. A HUGE thank you goes to Mrs. Pagan, Mrs. DePrince, and Ms. Ro for organizing this event. View album here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3bTtogtLQJ8GFrq76
Help Save Lives! Donate Blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Bell Oaks School. Please see flyer for details.
Bellmawr Hockey is hosting a Memorial Hockey tournament on June 8, 2024. Please see the flyer for details and consider donating and signing up to play! You do not need to be a current Bellmawr Hockey Player to play! Let's support Coach Snook's memory and his family. Thank you.
Please take a moment to read the NJSLA testing information for our students from Mr. Taibi, Chief Academic Officer. NJSLA testing for students in Grades 3-8 will begin on Monday, May 13, 2024. The letter is linked here: https://5il.co/2kblx PLEASE NOTE: All students are required to come prepared for the test with wired headphones. The state testing system will not allow Bluetooth connections during the test. Thank you for your understanding.
Bell Oaks student AJ was sent off with warm applause thanks to his 7th and 8th grade student peers! We all wish AJ well and can't wait to see him again soon!
Students of the Month were recognized at last night's Board of Education Meeting. Congratulations to the students and families. Please use the following link to view the pictures. https://photos.app.goo.gl/LePSfopD5D2RPEmF6
Please join us from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. for the 9th Annual Multicultural Fair this Thursday, May 2, 2024 at Bell Oaks. Thank you to the Bellmawr Board of Education and the PTO for co-sponsoring this event. We hope to see you there.
Attention: Families in K-5! Please join us at Bell Oaks, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. for our Title 1 Family Night. Please see flyer for details. Hope to see you there.
Any questions please contact: Janine Botte-DiBenedetto at (856) 905-1230
Application forms can be downloaded from our website www.Bellmawr.com and can be dropped off to the Borough Hall inside or in the drop box in front of the building, emailed to lyoung@bellmawr.com, or mailed to Borough of Bellmawr, 21 East Browning Rd, P.O. Box 368, Bellmawr N.J. 08099-0368. Please write on the
envelope, “Attention Miss Bellmawr”.
The Miss Bellmawr application form can be turned in by May 5, 2024. This pageant is open to Bellmawr residents between the ages of 14-18. Please see application for details. The winners will be crowned on June 23, 2024. Application: https://5il.co/2jk2g
Bellmawr’s professional development caught in action! After our discussion ‘reciprocal teaching’ during the last in-service day, Ms. Ellis dove in with her 6th graders. Student experts did an amazing job teaching and supporting their peers with vocabulary and social studies concepts! Way to go Owls!
There will be mobile vaccination clinics this summer for students who qualify. Please see flyer for details. This is sponsored by the Camden County Board of Commissioners.